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Chapter 19 -- Geography Matters...

Discuss at least two different aspects of a specific literary work that Foster would classify under “geography.”


  1. Patterns in landscaping of the scene, and the general mood of the area / the place where the scene takes place.

    Post By : Dalton Harmon

  2. As indicated by Foster, geography is setting that can characterize or develop character, it can also advance the plot. In the Disney motion picture, Holes, the majority of the motion picture happens in a desert. This setting calls attention to the desperation of characters at Camp Green Lake. Other than desperation, the dull, dried scene adds to what Camp Green Lake is. Without the terrible working conditions the story wouldn't have been the same. Before the end of the book, Stanley is no more at Camp Green Lake yet at home with his loved ones. The location of the film changed from undesirable to wanted pretty much as the mood transformed from a discouraging one to a bright one.

    1. Post by: Sofia Ricra

    2. I love that movie!

    3. Good observation, Sofia. I think that when Stanley is out in the desert, he feels deserted from his family. However, once he's back home, he feels as if he has a purpose in life. The geography in "Holes" definitely related back to the feelings of this character.

    4. Using that movie was a really good idea.

    5. Though I have not read the book, my understanding of the movie leads me to agree with you.

    6. You made great observations!

    7. The book explains the geography just as you have.

    8. One of my favorite books/movies. I think you did a great job making comparisons!

    9. This is a great movie.

    10. Holes is a very good example this movie has all the necessary scenes and event to use great example

  3. Post by: Alanie O’Dell

    John Green’s “Paper Towns,” takes place in Orlando, Florida. This setting is an example of geography because it helped develop the characters of the book as well as advanced the plot. In “Paper Towns,” Quentin and Margo spend a night going around town getting back at the classmates that have done Margo wrong.

    “Paper Towns” could not have been set in a different location other than a city like Orlando. The city is more than just where the characters reside, it is what has developed the characters into the different people they are.

    Throughout the novel, Quentin and Margo go all throughout the city getting back at other people. Afterward, Margo disappears and Quentin goes all throughout the city with clues in hopes of finding Margo. Orlando is important to the novel because it drives the plot. Quentin and Margo bond while driving down the streets of Orlando, they create memories sneaking into Sea World. Without the setting of Orlando, the plot would not have been able to go in the direction it did.

    Quentin sees nothing wrong with where he lives. Besides being a tourist hub, Orlando seems pretty great. He can’t wait until he can go to college and then get married and have kids and finally be happy, as do many people in Orlando, and the world throughout. Margo, on the other hand, cannot stand to live in such a “paper town.” This town, to her, symbolizes everything she doesn’t believe in. Margo wants to live in the now. She wants to be happy and to live for what she has, not spend her life trying to obtain future happiness and end up dying without reaching it. A place like Orlando is an essential setting for this novel because without it, the characters would not see the world they way they do.

    1. I would really love to read "Paper Towns" because I've heard it's an interesting story. After viewing your blog post, it tempts me more to pick up a copy!

    2. Paper towns is a really good book, they did go to a lot of different locations so using this book was a really good idea

    3. I love your use of Paper Towns!

    4. Paper Towns is one of my favorite books. By setting the story in Orlando, Green really enhanced the meaning of a paper town.

    5. Paper Towns is an amazing movie, however, I have yet to read the book.

    6. I actually read yours before I wrote my own and it opened my eyes to a new way of thinking. This really helped me with writing my own.

    7. I love that you used Paper Towns. Good job!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The Martian is a movie that comes to mind that takes place on Mars and after a deadly storm, one of the characters gets hit so hard from a piece of debris that his crew members assume he is dead and do not have time to find him due to the severity of the storm. They leave into space without him after the incident and he awakes severely injured but lives. He manages to find a laboratory with the necessities to treat his injury and live on Mars. The desert planet would have been an aspect of geography due to the character being stuck there thus advancing the character. It advanced the character by him being more creative with the materials he had and of course bad setbacks such as his shelter entrance blowing off the shelter which made it look like the end for him but it was not.

    These setbacks made him even more creative with his inventions that eventually he repaired his shelter. He started getting desperate when he was brought up with the possibility of not surviving long enough for people to rescue him. Without the setting being in the shelter he would of never made it and he got the courage to keep going and eventually found a way to create water, regrow potatoes and use a truck like vehicle to move at the end as an alternative shelter since oxygen was limited on the carbon monoxide air-filled planet. Without the terrible conditions like cold nights, low food supply and low water then he would have never told those of the future that were going to venture to the desert planet without preparing for the worst

    1. I recently watched that movie and the setting is the most important part of it. That was an amazing and somewhat hilarious movie.

    2. That was good book. It used actual science to show just how dangerous yet recoverable a spaceship crash could be.

    3. This is a very good example for this situation because the geography of Mars is very harsh and will cause a person to die.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Post By: Kayla Shannon

    "The Best of Me" by Nicholas Sparks, takes place in Oriental, North Carolina. This setting is an example of geography because it helped build relationships between the characters and create something for them to look back on as they grew.

    When Amanda and Dawson first met in high school, they from two different sides of the tracks. He was the poor kid, whose father was abusive and didn't care about him or his education; however, Amanda was rich and her mother and father treated her very well. Over time, Amanda and Dawson get acquainted with one another and as time goes on, they fall in love.

    Besides Amanda and Dawson, there is Tuck. Tuck brought Dawson in after he left his dad's house. They spend a lot of their time with Tuck because his wife passed away and he is nice to be around. When they're not with Tuck, Amanda and Dawson really made a lot of memories. There was late night sneaking out, swimming, prom, and so many other things they could never forget. All of these things happened because of the plot and I feel like the plot was the way it is because of where the story took place.

    After 25 years, Tuck dies and Amanda and Dawson have both moved on and are now doing their own thing in other places. They both get a call from Tuck's lawyer who says that Tuck has left them everything in his will. Tuck did this because he knew that if Dawson and Amanda every got separated, this would bring them together. As they both see each other again, all the memories of things start again of those summer nights. Even though to a lot of people Oriental, NC may not be much, in this situation it was a lifetime of memories and love for those two.

    1. That was a really good movie. The setting of it was prefect for what the plot and mood of the film.

    2. I don't think there would have been a better place for the it to have taken place. I love the movie!

    3. I loved this movie and think that the setting couldn't have been more perfect.
      -Piper Colangelo

  8. Five years after Emrys, who woke up memory-less, and Branwen, Emrys’ mother, washed up on the shore of what is today known as Wales the protagonist, Emrys sets off to sea to find out who he is. Where is ends up is in a land known as Fincayra, a place lying between the spirit world. Fincayra is a land filled with magic, making the Fincayran geography, especially the plants and animals residing there exotic compared to what we know. As if to emphasize how exotic it is, the author goes as far as describing Fincayra’s interaction with the five senses sharper.
    -Jared W. Godwin

  9. Foster seems to classify geography as more than the looks of a location; it seems that aspects like history culture and people count as long as they promote character development. "The Fifth Wave" keeps coming back as my example because it is just fun to analyze all of its hidden aspects. Our dystopian world reflects our heroine excellently. Her quest is to find someone she holds dear and fill an emptiness the invasion left behind. The world itself is almost completely empty and barren of anyone who seeks to help others and just feels empty of terrestrial life. Humans are either dead from one of the previous waves or getting hunted down as the book advances leaving nearly no one at the mercy of the fifth wave. The remaining people we find here are as dark as the world. To list a few, we have: a dying soldier holding a crucifix wanting no more than his own demise, corrupt, infected humans that seek only to deceive and destroy any hope the world has left, and almost innocent children trained to hunt and murder fellow uninfected humans. The leftover people and the land help to further instill Cassie's emptiness, make her pursue her brother at increased rate in fear for her life, and chip away at her ability to trust others. These ideas can also be inferred by the history of the waves. The sheer power the aliens possess at their disposal make humans lose hope in surviving alone. The main threat of the fourth wave, silencers, hunt down single humans on a regular basis, so that paired with the military's power, expresses the idea that you will not survive alone in the wasteland.

    1. I like the example you gave because the geography seems to be a reflection of those affected by it.

    2. I really am wanting to read this book before the movie comes out. I also agree with Jared. Great comparisons.

    3. I just finished reading this book

  10. Posted by: Aleigha Letterman

    Geography can sometimes be overlooked in literature, but it can be very important to the plot of a movie. For example, Cabin In The Woods couldn't have been filmed in the desert. Without being in the woods the title would have been completely irrelevant.

    Another movie that geography played a very important role in is Scooby Doo: Where's My Mummy? The setting of this is in Egypt, inside and around the great pyramids. Without being in Egypt Scooby and Shaggy would have never found the Lost City, where they were mistaken for Pharaoh Ascoobis, and his manservent (Shaggy). The location of the film allowed viewers with prior knowledge understand it better. When I say prior knowledge I mean basic knowledge of The Great Pyramids, and their location. None of the things in the movie would make sense if it was in another place. If there was a curse of Cleopatra, and three huge pyramids in the middle of Los Angeles then nothing would make sense.

    The examples I have given may not have helped with the development of the plot, but they were essential to the plot.

    1. I used to watch Scooby Doo all the time. In every episode it uses the geography to set the mood for the entire episode; it's always spooky and awesome.

    2. Makes since an author puts a scene there for a reason like the plot and sometimes for the purpose of the whole movie or literature being created in the first place.

    3. Good example. It is nice that they added a bit of culture and history to add depth to the movie.

    4. I loved your examples!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Posted by: Caleb Costner
      Geography may not always be noticeable in literature, but is one aspect in being the most importance, in plot of literary works.

      In the movie "The Help" by Tate Taylor, African Americans were not treated fairly. It was a movie about African American people in Jackson, Mississippi, in the year 1963 and how they were slaves for the whites.

      Without this movie being based in the southern state of Mississippi, the characters in the movie would not have the same meaning. The African Americans had to put the whites needs, or the whites children's needs first before they could care for their own children, or themselves. If the movie was based in the northern state, then African Americans would not be treated unfairly. They would be treated the same as any other person walking the streets.

    2. I agree, the geography of the movie played a big role in this movie.

    3. I totally agree with you. The geography in the movie plays an important role.

    4. I agree, if the movie was in the North the movie wouldn't make sense. This was a really good example!


    5. The Help is one of my favorite movies! I really liked how you explained the setting.

    6. The geography was very vital, this was where all the racism and bad events happened. Great inquiry!!

    7. Interesting choice, I enjoyed the movie.

  12. Post by: Tiffany Weresow

    I have used “Harry Potter” as an example in other blogs, and I will be using it to classify two aspects of geography here. Back when Harry lived with the Dursley’s, he was situated in a quiet neighbourhood where not many things went on. He first lived under the staircase in a tiny closet that he called his bedroom. This environment didn’t offer Harry the ability to live life as he wanted and to be free and open to the rest of the world like his cousin, Dudley. Harry also relocated to another area in the middle of nowhere with the Dursley’s, who had hoped the wizarding world would not find Harry. Fortunately for him, his geography was subject to change.

    Once Hagrid arrives to save Harry from his captors, as I like to call them, he is welcomed into the broad, open world of Hogwarts, where he can live freely and be himself, other than living by the rules and being locked away in his room for no apparent reason.

    I believe J.K. Rowling tied this together. In the small, muggle world, Harry lived in a confined space with little freedom to experience life. In the wizarding world of Hogwarts, which was huge and open, Harry was able to experience life much better as he was not treated as a servant. As his geography changed, his life changed.

    1. I love Harry Potter and you're right. If his environment hadn't changed he probably wouldn't be able to do what he did.

    2. I agree with your analysis. The geography and environment played an important part in how he was raised. The change in geography really added to the story as his life changed.

  13. Elizabeth Suarez.
    Geography can often be overlooked in books because people tend to not see its importance. However, there's always a reason for the author choosing a certain place for the characters to be. As my example I will be using the book UnWind by Neal Shushterman.

    In specifically the first book of this series, the main characters of the book are all in their own places. Wether it's just at home in a town or a foster-like home, they each come from specific places. As the story progresses, there is a range of places the two characters stumble through and try to get out of.

    1. Interesting story and it was meant for the character to stumble upon each other which is one of the reasons why geography is important, for the plot.

    2. I agree with you and Douglas. The geography in this book series is very important. Good connection!


  14. Posted By: Anna K-S
    Foster states geography is when the setting of a story helps develop not only the plot but the characters as well. When Foster says geography helps in developing the characters I think he means as the geography changes, the characters moods and attitudes will change as well.

    An example of geography’s setting helping develop the plot of a story is in the TV series “Pretty Little Liars”. There are four girls Emily, Hanna, Aria, and Spencer all living in the same small town of Rosewood. The setting is not only creepy because a girl named Alison was kidnapped a year before but also because most of the time it is dark in some way, the darkness may come from it being night, the girls Emily, Hanna, Aria, and Spencer wearing dark clothing, it’s raining, or the stalker named A that follows the girls around, most of the time wearing black. This dark setting helps develop the plot because the plot is very dark and gloomy because Alison went missing and there is a mysterious person following the girls Emily, Hanna, Aria, and Spencer around, seeming to know everything about them.

    An example of geography developing the characters moods is also in the TV series “Pretty Little Liars”. Although, most episodes of “Pretty Little Liars” are at night or have many night scenes there are some day scenes which bring a little happiness to the girls Emily, Hanna, Aria, and Spencer. “Pretty Little Liars” is not all dark there are some good days that make the girls Emily, Hanna, Aria, and Spencer joyful such as when Hanna meets the love of her life, or when Spencer gets into a great college.

  15. Posted by: James Lynn
    One type of geography is the actual definition: the surrounding land in the story. The surrounding land can also pertain to the plot. For example, many TV shows or series with fighting may talk about going to a certain location to get away from people, or to have room to fight. Other locations may have challenges, such as more gravity, less room, and so on.
    Another type of geography is when geography isn't really a place; geography is also the economic, political, and historical state of a country or location. This can be connected to real life, such as the United States, England, China, and other countries. For example, the United States is about to go into it's elective season, and the U.S. economic status isn't very good. If this was used into a story, someone could include the idea of the economy crashing, or elections going wrong, and so on.

  16. By: Hannah Berckman

    Geography is any location or detail that has to do with the people or characters and their setting. In To Kill A Mocking Bird, Boo Radley's home is described as a scary, gloomy place which makes us as readers believe that Boo Radley is a mean, rude person. This effected the way Scout acted around his house. We later learn that Boo Radley isn't mean and that he is a nice person. In the popular kids show Spongebob, Squidward lives between Patrick and Spongebob which makes him unhappy. Due to this, Squidward comes off as hateful and mean. Geography, as described by Foster, is important to character development and how we see certain characters.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Agreed. The movie has a big geography role. ~ Caleb C.

    3. I've always loved Spongebob and I never thought about how Squidward's situation with living in between Spongebob and Patrick has a big impact on his personality. Good job!

    4. This is a great example that I didn't think of. Wonderful connection.

  17. Geography can affect the feel and outcome of a piece of literature directly simply by what it is. This is a huge part of why a story turns out like it does; therefore, it has to be thought out and planned precisely for it to work.

    The Hunger Games is an example of geography directly affecting the characters. In the actual games, the scene is always different so the tributes have to adjust to their climent based on what it is. This is something that impacts them so directly that it has to do with how they survive. The weapons they use, the food they eat, the water they drink, all of this is directly impacted by what the climate is like.

    1. Post By: Karmen Scruggs

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I agree with you how the geography affects the characters in the book.

    4. I never thought about that! I knew the different Districts would have some effect on them but I never thought about it affecting their personality.

    5. I agree, The Hunger Games is a great example of geography because the geography is constantly changing, therefore, the people playing the games are constantly having to change.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Post by: Hannah Cribby
    In the book Foster stated that "geography is setting, but it's also (or can be) psychology, attitude, finance, industry - anything that place can forge in the people who live there." (Foster 166). So when I thought of geography it immediately made me think of the movie 'Maleficent'. In 'Maleficent' there is a scene in the beginning where Maleficent is flying around a beautiful forest kingdom. This sets the mood for the beginning portion of the movie and makes the person watching gain knowledge of the kind of life she has.

    Another scene in the movie shows Maleficent changing and the geography changing with her to show that something terrible had happened. That was another form of geography because Foster also stated that "in poetry and fiction, it may be mostly people." (Foster 165). Those are what I believe are two different forms of geography in 'Maleficent'.

    1. I love it. Great job with Maleficent. The Geography in the movie really helps viewers understand.
      -Kalynne Helms

  20. He would classify geography has the setting or detail of a situation that deals with a character or characters and their surroundings. It can even help the development of a character. In Harry Potter, his residence locations are important geographically when Harry was in the Muggle World, he lived in a small neighborhood with the Dursleys. The neighborhood is often viewed has close-minded. When Harry went to Hogwarts, he was in the middle of nowhere, he is free to think what he wants in the wizarding society, rather then the muggle world.

  21. According to Foster, geography is the setting or where a story takes place. Geography is very important in the developement of the characters and the plot. People often disregard geography in literature because it doesn't stand out.

    One aspect of geography in literature is the setting. In "The Nightmare Before Christmas," the setting is Halloweentown. This is very important to the story because the people, or creatures, in Halloweentown don't understand Christmas. They live in a setting where everything is done differently. Because of this, Jack is unaware of how Christmas should really be done.

    Another aspect is in "Cinderella." Cinderella goes through a change in setting.This change shows that setting is important to characters. When Cinderella lives in her deceased father's home with her stepmother and stepsisters, she has a pretty terrible life. She tries to make the best of it, but it's not great. When her setting changes and she lives with the prince, her life is wonderful. This shows off the importance of setting to characters in stories.

    1. I like how you did The Nightmare Before Christmas. I totally agree that he didn't know how to do Christmas because of his scary Halloween surroundings.
      -Kalynne H.

    2. I love the nightmare before christmas example

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Posted by Maria McDonald:
    Geography in literature is important because not only is it a part of the setting, but it also plays a part in what the characters are like. A great example would be "Where the Red Fern Grows." Billy is the main protagonist and he is the owner of two coonhounds, Old Dan and Little Ann. Billy always wanted to own dogs ever since he was a little boy. When he finally got them, he bonded with them by going hunting with them in the woods. Geography plays a big part because being with the dogs in the woods gave Billy something worth loving. It made him a happy, loving man. The story would not have made much sense if it was set in the city where he wouldn't be able to bond with his dogs as well as he did in the country.

    1. I also think that if the movie would have took place in the city then Billy wouldn't have a strong bond with the dogs.

  24. In literature geography is often overlooked by the reader, but can actually take the author time to plan out, so that the story fits perfectly. In John Green’s “An Abundance of Katherines” geography is an important detail to pay attention to.

    Best friends Colin and Hassan have just graduated high school when Hassan convinces Colin to go on a road trip with him before they start college to get his mind off his breakup with Katherine. They start their road trip from Chicago and stop in Tennessee to visit the resting place of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. they end up going into a gas station where they meet Lindsey, who instantly welcomes them with open arms. Her mom lets the boys stay with them for a while and they end up working for her while they’re there. During their stay in Tennessee some relationships end and some begin, but it all work out for the better. Colin ends up getting his “eureka” moment he hoped for and the book ends before the boys start their trip back home.

    Geography is important in this book because Tennessee is more of a southern state the people are thought of as more welcoming. If Lindsey and her mother weren’t so welcoming Colin and Hassan wouldn’t have stayed there longer. Without staying in Tennessee longer none of the relationships that broke up and got together would’ve happened and Colin wouldn’t have had his “eureka” moment.
    -Piper Colangelo

  25. Posted By: Adison Costner
    When reading books, watching tv or watching movies, you will notice something that all 3 of these places have in common. They all have something to do with geography. Geography isn't just the place they are at, it can also symbolizes something.

    1st Aspect: Geography typically deals with the background, that lay out of the scene. The lay out can include rivers, ponds, mountains, hills, etc. all these are forms of geography. Most of the time tv shows and movies have beautiful background and they want to make sure that these backgrounds catch your eyes. For example in a tv show called” When Calls the Heart”, it has one of the most prettiest backgrounds that I have ever seen. Its an old white church sitting right beside a lake, its absolute beautiful!

    2nd Aspect: The geography of a movie, book or tv show can represent something. It could represent a theme of the book or it could symbolize something. The geography can usually tell you something about the character to. It can tell you what the character likes. An example is in the movie “The Lucky One”, it takes place in the country. This will tll you that the main character like the peace and quiet instead of noise in a city. If the movie took place in the city, then their would have been more stress on Logan.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Geography is important in a literature and plot advancement. One movie comes to my head when thinking of geography is the movie "Old Yeller". In the movie "Old Yeller", geography is important. The movie takes place in the Midwest,on the plain, where everything is harsh ,which can describe Travis's family, who are going through hard times. Also it can describe Old Yeller. old Yeller is yellow and wild like the plain. His personality is also like the plain. One example is that the plain is usually clam and helps the people by providing food which is like Old Yeller.

  28. By:Kalynne Helms
    Geography can obviously advance a plot and it can develop a character. In Harry Potter, Harry lived in a small neighborhood while he was in the muggle world. He lived with Dursleys. While in school or the wizard world, he lived at Hogwarts which was in the middle of absolutely nowhere. He can't do magic outside of school and he really can't do it in the muggle world. But in Hogwarts, he has the ability to do whatever magic he likes. Well not whatever magic but you get the gist. He can get into the wizard society at Hogwarts.
    One character that stands out to me is Harid. He is part giant and a somewhat teacher at Hogwarts. Everyone sort of sees him as a freak or not as good as everyone else because he is part giant and he likes all the different kind of animals out in the forest. But even though he is part giant, he doesn't live in the forest like the rest of them. He lives in a house, on the outskirts of the forest close to Hogwarts. That shows he is civilized.

    1. I totally agree with you here. This geography in this movie makes sense to me. ~ Caleb C.

    2. I love your example

  29. Geography is known as the physical features of a land. However, in literature, geography is much more. It is about the way humans affect a space and how a space affects humans. I have seen this interaction in the novel Safe Haven. This novel takes place in Southport, North Carolina and shows how geography advances the plot and distinguishes a character.

    Safe Haven is about a woman, Katie, as she runs away from an abusive and controlling husband to make a new life for herself. Originally from Boston, Katie finds her way to Southport, NC. Southport is a small town where nothing big ever happens. This location plays an important part in her escape because to run away from her husband, she must go to a place where he would never expect. The location advances the plot because this is where all the drama happens when she starts a new life.

    The small town atmosphere not only provides an escape, it helps define Katie. Back in Boston, Katie was a woman who was restricted from doing many things by her husband. She was forced to obey and not have a voice of her own. In Southport, Katie is free to have a voice. Her personality is completely changed as she starts a happy life. She starts doing what she loves and lives a simple life she has always wanted. She also becomes a person who can love again. As she meets a man who sweeps her of her feet. Before in Boston, she was unable to love and filled with rage and hate. Now she is the total opposite, happy and loving.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Literary geography is setting that can symbolize what the characters are feeling or going through, and/or help the plot. It can also symbolize human and cultures. In Where the Red Fern Grows by, Wilson Rawls. The story takes place out in the country around woods, where not many people are around. I believe this is important because if the story had taken place in an area with more people and no woods Billy would not have grown so close to his dogs because he would be hanging out with other people and would not go hunting with them if there was nowhere to hunt. Also, because they live in the country, Billy gets to enter into hunting championships with the dogs and wins.However, Old Dan gets hurt and dies. Little Ann no longer wants to live with old Dan gone so she grieves herself to death. Billy is heartbroken and very distraught. However, his family decides to move since, they won so much in the championship. So Billy goes knowing his dogs will be remembered and ready to move away from the source of his grief and sadness.

  32. According to Foster, “ geography is typically about humans inhabiting spaces,and at the same time the spaces that inhabits humans” (166). There are many different literary works that Foster would classify under “geography”.
    The first literary work that I will be speaking of is the film entitled “Castaway”. In this novel a man get’s abandoned on an island and later on builds a raft and floats into the ocean in hopes of getting somewhere. I believe that it is important that this film took place on an island because it added a lot of character and allowed us to better understand that he was truly trapped and isolated.
    The second literary work that I will be speaking of is the film “The Jungle Book”. In this film, a young boy is in the jungle learning how to survive and escape danger. If this wasn’t filmed in the jungle, the name of the film and a huge portion of the film would not fit correctly.

    -Alex Salce

  33. Geography can help advence a character. The first litery work I chose was Scream Queens which is aired on Fox. In Scream Queens they live in a huge sorority house. Their sorority is Kappa Kappa Tau, which is the largest and most hardest to get into. You must have money and have the looks to be able to be accepted in. By this description you can tell that the people in this sorority are very uptight and into themselves.
    The other literary work I chose was Grey's Anatomy, which airs on ABC. They all work in a hospital and you can tell they all take care of their patients and only want the best for them.

  34. First of all, without geography, the literary work wouldn’t make sense. It is incredibly important for character backstory and development. That being said, the book The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings is a book full of geography and characters tied to said geography.

    The elves in Rivendell are not only shaped by their elvish culture, but their location. They are in a defensible place, and anyone living or resting there can relax completely. This gives the elves, who have lived there for hundreds of years, a happy, carefree, demeanor.

    In contrast to this, the dwarves, who live underground and are digging most of the time, are more burly and blunt. They have to worry about goblin attacks from under and above ground, so they are on guard and not very trusting.

    If these two species switched habitats, they might have ended up being reversed.

    By: Aaron N

    1. I see your view on this and I really liked your example.


  35. In Forrest Gump, Forrest fights in the Vietnam war and spends part of the movie in the jungles of Vietnam. If Vietnam were flat and sunny it would give a very different impression than the rainy and mountainous jungle that Forrest and his company trek through in the movie. The most death we see in the movie is in the jungle, because the jungle is usually thought of as wild and unpredictable.
    Forrest and Jenny's hometown is small and unnoticeable which give a contrast to Forrests future as a celebrity and war hero. Their hometown is a symbol of their simple, underlying love for each other, like they had when they were kids in Alabama.

  36. Gordon Korman is one of my favorite authors and my favorite of his books have geography that molds the character into something special. The first book is “Everest” which is a book about a group of kids that are tested and possibly cut from the team. The kids who make the cut get to go to Mount Everest to possibly become the youngest to climb Mount Everest.
    The second book is “Islands” which gives a few kids a large challenge. They go from home, to ship, to shipwreck, to a deserted island. They have to survive on the island and face many dangers that could prove deadly until they are eventually rescued.

    ~Christopher Johnson

  37. In Blacklands by Belinda Bauer, it is called Blacklands because of an area called the blackland s after the dark soil that is the only thing there. The blacklands in the story have a lot to do with the character trying to find where his uncle and the other dead children were buried. There is also a part where he is walking around the blacklands and finds a jaw bone of a sheep, this scene is very important because he comes back to it at times during the book.

    In the movie Crimson Peak, crimson peak is when the red clay from beneath the lands of Alderdale Hall, the main setting of the movie, soaks into the snow making the snow look bloody. This has many importances such as the snow represents death which occurs a lot at Alderdale Hall. Alderdale hall is also seemingly in the middle of nowhere which leaves a haunting impression.

    - Olyvia Knight

  38. In the television series Arrow, Oliver Queen was lost at see after his father's yacht sank, and washes up on the island of Lian Yu. I feel that this is considered geography in Foster's terms. It is a forest island where Oliver Queen had to train to survive. Starting out he thought he was alone but was later found by his future mentor and found out there was an army on the island. He was then trained further with bow and arrow, that's how he got the abilities he has now.

    Another example of geography could be the Colony in Tunnels. After his father goes missing, a boy named Will finds a secret passage in his basement to a subterranean city called the Colony. Here he is found by the police and soon transferred to live with a family. In the colony he finds out about his true identify and gains friends to help him on his quest to find his dad.

  39. Geography is an important part of a movie or story and is often overlooked. Geography to Foster is something that shapes a character. My example I'd like to use is "Descendants." Descendants is about the kids of the Disney villains (The Evil Queen from Snow White, Cruella de Vil, Jafar, and Maleficent) who are invited to go to Auradon with all of the kids of Disney princes, princesses, and even dwarfs. The villains are separated from the world and put on an island with a barrier so they can't escape and wreak havoc on Auradon. That's the geography for the beginning and it plays a major part in the kids' transformation to good. On the island, they are considered "evil" and the island is trashed and has graffiti all over it, but when they go to Auradon, they being their transformation into being nice. Auradon, since run by Belle and the Beast, is nice and tidy and the sun is always shining and that plays a major role in showing how the children eventually become influenced by the geography and the people around them.

    -Laurie Ricardo

  40. By: Parth
    Geography not only plays a large part in the development of plot lines, but also characters. In the book Holes most of it is set in a dry, depressing desert. The fact that it is set in the desert adds intensity to the kids at Camp Green Lake. In the end Stanley returns home. When I first read this book I thought that this novel would not be the same if it was not set in the desert.
    A second example is the setting of " To kill a Mockingbird." the book is set in Alabama which is in the deep south. The people in the south act different so the plot of the book would have been affected if it was set in the north.

  41. This poem about winter addresses the season in a very unconventional way. Instead of it being a deep insight of the meaning of winter and how it plays a part in life, You read this seemingly complex narrative that is actually the story of a man who didn’t put his contacts in before going outside and slipped on the ice. I fully understand the plight of this author, having to wear glasses myself. It is difficult to operate without good vision, but in some cases retrieving the device you use to see can be inconvenient or even difficult. The author is compared to a flightless bird when they slip and for a split second their legs are in the air above their head. is seems meaningful, but is actually a funny anecdote about life.Though it may have been intentionally meaningful on the writer’s part and only disguised as an everyday situation.

    - Sarah Macon

    1. This one too. I'm really sorry! Got a bit confused for a second.

  42. Geography is important because it determines many thing in the story and the turnout of different events. Based on the geography we can tell the reason of certain problem especially things that take place outside.
    Geography can determine why something happened. In the movie “Where the red fern grows” there is an scene where an incident happens because of a mountain lion one of the dogs dies trying to protect his owner, It affects everything emotionally and physically. If the geography would of been different chances are the boy would have never of fallen or maybe there would've never even been a mountain lion.
    Geography can give us an main idea of who and how the character are. Based on the geography from the movie I knew these were people that like to hunt and liked the nature because they were located in the woods and there was bmbs and rock everywhere plus the red fern had a symbolic meaning if the geography would've been different maybe that red fern would have never grown to begin with and the movie would have an different name.

  43. One work that Foster would classify under “geography” is the book “The Call of the Wild.” In Jack London’s book the incompetent Hal and Charles purchase the sled dogs in Buck’s team to carry themselves and a woman to their destination. After weeks of travel with little food and less breaks they stop in a place where they meet John Thornton and they say that they were told the ice would break under them. Thornton replies that they won’t if they keep going and when Buck is beaten because he won’t stand Thornton sets him free. While the dogs were sledding they had known that they were literally traveling on thin ice and that they might not see another day because of the ice breaking, lack of food, or no rest. The rotten ice that his master was trying to beat him back onto did not appeal to him. After Buck was set free, the sled continued on anyway while he and Thornton watch. When Hal and Charles get to the frozen portion it suddenly drops out from under the sled, taking the humans and dogs with it. The geography consisting of rotten ice shows how futile and pointless the situation is.

    - Sarah Macon

  44. Post by: Kayla Williamson

    Literature uses geography as a setting. Geography is very important to a story and it can add to the story’s meaning. In the fairy tale, “Rapunzel”, I think the geography matters a lot. This story is set deep in a forest. Rapunzel is stuck in a one-room tower in the middle of the woods with no stairway or door and only one window. The geography of this fairy tale helps the characters develop because if she wasn’t stuck in the tower, she would have never met the prince. The geography also has a deep meaning because Gothel put Rapunzel there for a reason.

  45. In the movie “Arrow”, Oliver suffers from being trapped an island with “no” escape through the first season. The island island is a place where Olive suffered from hungry, not have his family, and survival. The island was scary, dark, cold, isolated place from the rest of the humans a place where Oliver feels like he die. Starring City is was home where is seek to get justice and make justice. Starring City is city breaking part just like Oliver’s father company in which he is determine to fix and kill the people that have felt his city, while having people around him that care. Olive and Felicity home to him represents hope, freedom, and a place where he has the love something Oliver think think he can not have in Starling City. There home is located in a beautiful area fill with flower, blooming grass, and a shining sun.

  46. Riley Kiefer
    In the tv show Friday Night Light, it is set in a small southern town called Dillon. In this town, you can either have absolutely no money, be right in the middle, or very well off. However, in there is one thing that bring everyone together on a Friday night, the Varsity Football team. Like most small Southern towns, they live for football, that’s all they have. If they set this show up North, than it would not have made sense. The North traditionally isn’t portrayed to be all about sports like the South is.

    In The Pirates of the Caribbean, Disney staged the Pirates to go all over the world. However, they had it centered in the Caribbean and England which fit with the time period. If they did not, it may have not been as good or made as much sense. During that time period, the English were cracking down on the Pirates and it really set the movie up for future events and the story itself.


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